Monday, March 24, 2014

Banana Split banana painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan

Banana Split banana painting by Alabama Artist Angela Sullivan
I will tell you that to the ordinary eye this may just look like any old banana but to the trained eye you will notice a lot of mid tones and if you squint a lot you will notice a small area of light that would be on the fruit itself and then there is a small amount of dark dark's. Yep it was all intentional. I don't know if I achieved what I intended but I am definitely closer than I was. I read somewhere that to add interest you need varied amounts of dark, lights and mid tones. Those tips of black were on purpose not accident. I am actually giving a lot more thought to the painting process and therefore my paintings must get better...right?  5x7 still life oil on canvas panel.

1 comment:

Carol Blackburn said...

Yes, we have some bananas today. Do you know what bananas remind me of......forsythias. Look at a forsythia blossom and an banana peel. It's scary...LOL Enjoy your day!