Sunday, May 15, 2011


A splash of warm among a lot of cool.
Summer time, a lot of good things are available in the summertime.
Sweet red watermelon. I remember when my dad let my daughter Julie
sit in the middle of the kitchen table with a whole watermelon.
Boy was she ever a mess but she giggled and laughed.
I can almost still hear it her laughter seems much closer than just a memory.
7x5 acrylic on canvas panel
To purchase contact me


My Grama's Soul said...

Hi Angie....had to stop and say hi when I saw the luscious watermelon. I had my first piece of watermelon the other day with my sweet grandson and I could not believe it has been so long since I had had a piece.



padmaja said...

One of your best Angela..just now I cut one and put in the fridge for the day.. pity, I thought of eating than painting it!