Saturday, October 22, 2011

Is My Hair A Mess

Is My Hair A Mess
I bought this pineapple at a local market yesterday. I couldn't
wait to tackle it. I do like how the leaves turned out but I have to say
It did remind me of a bad hair day.
7x5 acrylic on canvas panel.


Carol Blackburn said...

LOL Angie, I work with nurses who purposely wear their hair that way. I can't figure out why for the life of me. Wonderful job on that pineapple. Now you need to slice it and make some pineapple upsidedown cake.

Dean H. said...

Ha...Good one Angela! Love your sense of humor!
Great pineapple painting!

Virginia Floyd said...

Great job on the leaves, Angela! I like that warm touch of orange in this painting.

JanettMarie said...

This is too cool Angela!
You are on fire!